At the start of a sentence Ès can mean......
Are / is / were / was /did / does / is it so
Ès ou la?
Are you there?
Ou la?
Are you there? (With a raised voice)
Ki sé an mango? = What is a mango?
Ki moun ki bwè labyè mwen!? = Who drank my beer!?
Kilès chyen ou vlé? = Which dog do you want?
Ko / Ki Koté / Koté = (Where?)
Ko'w ka alé? = Where are you going?
Pou ki / Poutji
Poutji chyen-an pa manjé? = Why doesn't the dog eat?
Ki lè / Ki tan
Ki lè / Ki tan = (When?)(What time...?)
Ki mannyè / Kouman / Koumannyè
Ki mannyé ou fè sa!? = How did you do that!?
(How many? / How much)
Konmen sé papay ou bizwen? = How many papayas do you need?