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Most popular:

Flags of the World

Flags of the World

General Knowledge

General Knowledge

Multiplication tables

Multiplication tables

Math : advanced formulas

Math : advanced formulas

Cahier de vacances - Anglais niveau primaire

Cahier de vacances - Anglais niveau primaire

Date histoire

Date histoire

Capitals Cities of the World

Capitals Cities of the World

Verbes irréguliers anglais

Verbes irréguliers anglais

Français : Un ou Une ?

Français : Un ou Une ?

Music Quizz

Music Quizz

Famous Paintings

Famous Paintings


Simple and fun learning

A simple method: flashcards or question/answer cards. 4 or 5 decks per topic. A question on one side with the answer on the back. You can study alone or as a group.

Games to enjoy learning and to test your knowledge

Test your knowledge in game mode with each deck. Test your friends via social networks.

A scientifically proven method

MemoFlash is based on a proven algorithm. Your learning is optimized, the information provided is adapted to your memorizing speed. Flashcards you have difficulties memorizing will be presented with an optimized algorithm.

A team of specialist

MemoFlash was created from the collaboration of passionate developers, teachers and researchers. They have combined their expertise to bring you the best learning platform.

Quality content

We offer two kinds of decks. The MemoFlash decks written by professionals, teachers or experts. Contributor decks, written by people willing to share their knowledge in a specific field. We check the quality of all the content we offer.

All knowledge

Exams, languages, art, sport, lifestyle, general knowledge ... There is no limit to what you can learn with MemoFlash.

For everyone

Parents, students, teachers, knowledge junkies, quiz buffs, experts, amateurs, there is certainly a MemoFlash topic for you.


Take your flashcards with you everywhere. MemoFlash is available on the web, mobiles, and soon for Apple Watch.


MemoFlash is available worldwide and in many languages. We make great efforts to bring you quality content in languages other than English.