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The United States : from the discovery to the independence

Apprenez ou révisez les grandes dates de l'histoire des Etats-Unis, de la découverte du pays à son indépendance.

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When does it happen?

Cristopher Colombus discovers America, landing in the actual Bahamas.


When does it happen?

John Cabot claims North America for England.


When does it happen?

Giovanni Verrazano discovers New York Bay.


When does it happen?

Jacques Cartier explores the Great Lakes region.


When does it happen?

Garcia Lopez discovers the Grand Canyon.


When does it happen?

Cabrillo explores and discovers the Californian coast.


When does it happen?

First settlement of Spanish colonists in North America, in the actual Florida


When does it happen?

Creation of the Iroquois Confederacy gathering five nations of native Americans


When does it happen?

Walter Raleigh receives the patent to explore and to settle in North America.

March 25, 1585

When does it happen?

Creation of the 13 first English colonies along the Atlantic Coast


When does it happen?

Henry Hudson explores New York Bay and sails back up the actual Hudson River.


When does it happen?

The "Mayflower" leaves Plymouth to the New World and arrives 65 days later near the actual city of Boston.

September 6-November 26, 1620

When does it happen?

The Dutch found the future New York, named at that time New Amsterdam.


When does it happen?

New Amsterdam becomes New York after the English took the colony.


When does it happen?

Foundation of New Orleans


When does it happen?

The Townshend Acts : laws aiming to tax the 13 British Colonies of America on imported products from England such as tea.


When does it happen?

Treaty of Paris : Canada and east of the Mississippi River is added to the British empire because of the defeat of France in the French and Indian War (Seven Years' War).


When does it happen?

The Stamp Act is passed in the British Parliament in order to tax more the American colonies. It won't last more than a year.

March 22, 1765

When does it happen?

The Quartering Act is passed, requiring each American colonist to house British troops and supply them with food.

March 24, 1765

When does it happen?

Creation of "The Sons of Liberty" in opposition to the Stamp Act.

July, 1765

When does it happen?

The Stamp Act is repealed.

March 18, 1766

When does it happen?

Boycott of British goods by merchants in Boston

July, 1768

When does it happen?

The Boston Massacre : five men are shot by British troops.

March, 1770

When does it happen?

The Boston Tea Party : protestation against British taxes on the tea.

December 16, 1773

When does it happen?

The Coercive Acts (or as called by Americans "The Intolerable Act"). Those acts were meant to punish the American Patriots by taking away Massachusetts self-government and historic rights.

March, 1774

When does it happen?

American Revolution (or the American War of Independence) led by Georges Washington.


When does it happen?

Support from King Louis XVI of France to the American revolution

May 2, 1776

When does it happen?

Thomas Jefferson presents the United States Declaration of Independence.

July 4, 1776

When does it happen?

Foundation of San Francisco by Spanish colonists

September 18, 1776

When does it happen?

The British army takes possession of New York.

September 20, 1776

When does it happen?

Treaty of Alliance between France and the United States, the independence war becomes a world war.

February 6, 1778

When does it happen?

Articles of Confederation - First appearance of the term "United States of America"

November 15, 1777

When does it happen?

John Adams is appointed to negotiate peace with England.

September 27, 1779

When does it happen?

The British army surrenders at Yorktown. Four months later the English Parliament votes against further war in America.

October 17, 1781

When does it happen?

End of the hostilities in the United States is officially declared by England.

February 4, 1783

When does it happen?

Signature of the Treaty of Paris by the United States and Great Britain

September 3, 1783

When does it happen?

The Treaty of Paris is ratified by Congress - Official end of the American Revolution.

January 14, 1784

When does it happen?

Publication of the United States Constitution.
Benjamin Franklin is one of the author.

September 17, 1787

When does it happen?

Ratification of the Bill of Rights by Congress

September 15, 1791

When does it happen?

George Washington becomes the first President of The United States.

April 30, 1789