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Control Flow

Learn basic Swift syntax for Control Flow : loops, tests.

This deck is used as a learning tool in the "iOS programming in Swift course" from the 3W Academy.

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Control Flow

Do a simple test

if condition {
// do something
} else {
// do something else


Basic function without parameters

func doSomething() {
// some code


Function with arguments

func doSomething (x: Int, y: Int){
// do it


Function with String input and String output

func sayHi (name: String) -> String {
return "Hi \(name)"


Basic integer iteration

for index in 0...10 {
// do it from 0 to 10 included


Iterate over elements of an array

var myArray = ["toto", "titi"]
for firstName in myArray {
//do something with firstName


Iterate over elements of a dictionary

var myDict = ["John" : 14, "Paul" : 18]
for (name, age) in myDict {
print("\(name) is \(age)")


Iterate over an array with index

for (index, value) in myArray.enumerated() {


Simple switch

var myNumber = 2
switch myNumber {
case 1:
// do for 1
case 2:
// do for 2

A break statement is not required

While loop

Simple while loop

while condition {
// do something

The code inside may never be executed. Beware of endless loops!


Simple repeat loop

repeat {
// do something
} while condition

Something is done at least once

Switch with interval matching.

This is specific to Swift.

switch myNumber {
case 0..<8:
case 8..<10:


break terminates the execution of the control flow.

Can be used in a switch, or any loop statement : for, repeat, while


Function with multiple output

func sinCos (x : Double) -> (sin: Double, cos: Double) {
return (sin(x), cos(x))
// the output is a tuple and is accessed like this:
let cosx = sinCos(M_PI).cos
// returns -1